
4500 mu Learn more about 4500 mu

  • Reasonable planting density of the latest Maize

    Reasonable planting density of the latest Maize

    The planting density of maize is one of the factors that directly affect the yield of maize. Practice has proved that in a certain range, the yield of corn increases with the increase of density, and when the density reaches a certain value, the increase of density decreases the yield. So the appropriate density is

    2020-11-10 Latest corn reasonable planting density
  • What are the varieties of silage corn?

    What are the varieties of silage corn?

    Many people like to eat corn, but we know that when corn is old, people generally do not eat it, mostly for livestock feed or processing into other things. But now with the progress of agricultural science and technology, people can eat fresh corn all year round.

    2020-11-27 silage corn varieties which many people like eat
  • Reasonable planting density of Maize

    Reasonable planting density of Maize

    Reasonable planting density of Maize

  • How is summer corn sown? What should I pay attention to?

    How is summer corn sown? What should I pay attention to?

    How is summer corn sown? What should I pay attention to? Please guide summer corn to prepare for the following: First, seed treatment. Select fine varieties: Nongda 108, Nongda 86, Nongda 95, etc. for grain and feed; Zhengdan 958, Jingzao 13, Jidan 26, etc. for grain corn; Keduo 4, Keqing 1, etc. for silage corn.

  • What are the high-yielding potato varieties? Introduction of High quality Potato varieties

    What are the high-yielding potato varieties? Introduction of High quality Potato varieties

    Potato is not only a common food on the table, but also a wide range of crops in our country. There are many potato varieties, and the varieties grown in different regions are different, but do you know which potato varieties are high-yielding? Next, let's take an inventory of potato varieties with high yield and high quality.

    2020-11-27 Potato high yield variety which high quality introduction
  • Cotton sowing techniques in spring

    Cotton sowing techniques in spring

    According to the variety, soil fertility and planting mode to determine the density, reasonable close planting, to achieve one sowing the whole seedling. General single planting spring cotton varieties, the first mu density is about 3500 plants, row spacing 1 meter, plant spacing 19 cm; semi-spring varieties generally control about 4500 plants per mu, row spacing, plant spacing 15 cm; summer cotton varieties,.

  • Yuanjiao No. 3

    Yuanjiao No. 3

    Characteristics: mid-early maturing variety, strong plant growth, plant height 55 cm-61 cm, sweet taste, crisp, good quality, single fruit weight 80g-120g, strong disease resistance, wide adaptability, for both open field and protected land varieties, yield 4000 kg-5000 kg per mu. Cultivation points: sowing in Beijing and Tianjin from December to early January of the following year, planted in the open field at the end of April, planting seedlings 4500 holes per mu-5000 holes per mu, sowing amount 125g per mu.

  • Sowing techniques of Cotton at the beginning of Spring

    Sowing techniques of Cotton at the beginning of Spring

    According to the variety, soil fertility and planting mode to determine the density, reasonable close planting, to achieve one sowing the whole seedling. Generally single planting spring cotton varieties, the density per mu is about 3500 plants, row spacing is 1 meter, plant spacing is 19 cm; semi-spring varieties are generally controlled at about 4500 plants per mu, row spacing, plant spacing is 15 cm; summer cotton varieties, in the plots with good fertilizer and water conditions, the density per mu is about 6500 plants; the plot of general soil fertility is about 7500 plants; and the dry and barren low-yield land is about 8000000 trees.

  • How old can tomato seedlings be transplanted, planted and fertilized? When will it blossom

    How old can tomato seedlings be transplanted, planted and fertilized? When will it blossom

    Transplanting time: when the seedling age is 20-25 days and the seedling has 3-4 leaves, it is transplanted and planted. Land preparation and planting: the planting bed was made into a ridge with a width of 50cm, with 4500 plants per mu. Temperature management: the temperature is controlled at 25-30 ℃ in daytime and 15-17 ℃ at night. Fertilizer and water management:

    2020-11-08 Tomatoes seedlings how big yes transplanting planting fertilization summary
  • Yuanjiao No. 5

    Yuanjiao No. 5

    Characteristics: this variety is an early-maturing variety, the number of buds of door pepper is 9-11 leaves, the leaves are green, the fruit is sheep's horn-shaped, light yellow to red. Spicy type, plant development degree 60 cm, plant height 45 cm, fruit length 19 cm, transverse diameter 2 cm, pulp thickness 3 mm. The single fruit weighs 50 grams and the yield per mu is 6500 kilograms. Cultivation points: suitable for protected field and open field cultivation, keeping 4500 seedlings per mu, strong plant growth potential, hanging fruit, need adequate supply of water and fertilizer, pay attention to soil cultivation, to prevent lodging.

  • What are the varieties of closely planted corn? Introduction of Maize varieties with good tolerance to dense planting

    What are the varieties of closely planted corn? Introduction of Maize varieties with good tolerance to dense planting

    Corn is an economic crop planted in many areas of our country. When planting corn, we all know that the more corn is planted, the higher the yield, but if it is planted more, it will have a lot of adverse effects on the growth of corn, so if you want to plant it closely, you'd better choose dense jade.

    2020-11-27 Close planting corn varieties which tolerance sex good introduction
  • When is the national three-level protected plant Astragalus planted? How many years of harvest? How much is the investment and profit per mu?(

    When is the national three-level protected plant Astragalus planted? How many years of harvest? How much is the investment and profit per mu?(

    Astragalus membranaceus, also known as Astragalus membranaceus, Astragalus membranaceus, single Shen, Shu Zhi, Baiben, Baiyao cotton, Huangshen, blood ginseng, human title, perennial herbs, 50-100 cm high. When is the plant planted? How many years of harvest? How much is the investment and profit per mu? According to the grower Liu uncle revealed

  • Planting techniques and matters needing attention on how to plant sugarcane

    Planting techniques and matters needing attention on how to plant sugarcane

    Sugarcane is a common fruit in daily life. Because of its good taste and high edible value, there are a large number of people who like to eat it. Now the market sales of sugarcane is very high, so it attracts a lot of people to plant. But before planting, people still

    2020-11-08 Sugarcane how planting technology and notes sugarcane yes
  • Planting conditions of Radix Astragali

    Planting conditions of Radix Astragali

    Planting conditions of Radix Astragali

  • Key points of planting techniques of Chinese cabbage in summer

    Key points of planting techniques of Chinese cabbage in summer

    Symptoms of soft rot of Chinese cabbage: 1. The disease mainly occurs after the heart of Chinese cabbage. Generally invade from the wound at the base of the vegetable gang, forming a water-immersed infiltration area, and then gradually expand, and become light grayish brown, the tissue is sticky, soft and rotten, accompanied by a smelly smell, called "rotten gourd" or "rotten pimple". The sick department can.

  • When will the national third-class protected plant Astragalus membranaceus be planted? How many years will it take to harvest? What is the investment and profit per mu?

    When will the national third-class protected plant Astragalus membranaceus be planted? How many years will it take to harvest? What is the investment and profit per mu?

    Astragalus membranaceus, also known as Mianqi, Huangqi, single fruit, Shu fat, hundred books, 100 medicinal cotton, yellow ginseng, blood ginseng, human title, etc., perennial herbs, 50-100 cm high. So when will astragalus be planted? How many years will it take to harvest? What is the investment and profit per mu? According to grower Liu

    2020-11-09 National tertiary protection plant astragalus when planting
  • Which corn variety has high yield? Ranking of the best high-yielding maize species in China

    Which corn variety has high yield? Ranking of the best high-yielding maize species in China

    Corn is a common cash crop, which is planted in every region of our country. There are many kinds of corn seeds on the market, and if you want to pursue high yield, which variety should you choose? The following editor introduces the ranking of the best high-yielding corn species in China.

    2020-11-27 Corn variety which high yield China the best species ranking
  • Dongmu 70 rye

    Dongmu 70 rye

    The more annual grasses are cold-resistant, drought-resistant, and moisture-resistant, with lax soil requirements, producing 4500-6500 kg of fresh grass per 667 square meters (1 mu) and 12-15% crude protein content in dry matter. It is an excellent winter forage. Its nutrition is rich, palatability is good, direct feeding livestock and poultry, the utilization rate is high. It is determined that milk yield can be increased by 13-19% when Dongmu 70 rye is fed to dairy cows. Linfen Forest Reclamation Agricultural Development Company mainly uses silage corn in cold mountainous areas at an altitude of 1000-1200 meters.

  • Introduce two varieties of Guangdong pepper

    Introduce two varieties of Guangdong pepper

    The fruit of Yuejiao No. 1 is coarse horn-shaped, big top, green, 15cm long, 3.6cm in horizontal diameter, 46g in average single fruit weight, slightly spicy, early ripening, sowing to the first harvest for about 90 days, suitable sowing time for spring planting in Guangzhou from November to January, autumn planting from July to August, winter planting from September to November, the yield is about 4500 kg per 667m2 (1 mu). More resistant to bacterial wilt. Anthracnose. The fruit of Yuejiao No. 10 is thick sheep's horn. Strong growth potential, fruit length 20 cm, transverse diameter 2.8 mi 3.0 cm, fruit cavity small, flesh thick, single fruit weight 60

  • How to grow Spring Maize well

    How to grow Spring Maize well

    How to grow Spring Maize well
